jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009

Same old feelings...

Podría desaparecer y nada cambiaría. Tal vez... bueno, sí, en casa sí. Pero nada más. El resto sería igual... seguramente un "che, Teff está re desaparecida, ¿no?", "Sí, mal"; y ahí quedaría. Nada más...

...pero bueno, todavía estoy acá, así que haré lo posible por disfrutar al máximo mi estadía... ^^u

3 comentarios:

  1. Not true and you know it. The world would most definitely miss you.

  2. You speak Spanish? :O

    well, as true as that may be, that's not how it feels.. i can spend a whole summer without seeing anyone & without hearing one 'hey, let's meet one of these days', so.. (i know it's not the same, but..)

  3. Speak it... Well, a bit. But yes, I do understand Spanish very well. I live in Portugal, right next to Spain y me gustan mis hermanos :)

    Yes, I can see how you can feel invisible. But the thing is everybody feels like that, Teff, even the seemingly most visible ones. Heck! We all feel misunderstood and we all look for that someone who will see us for who we really are.

    I'm 34 years old, Teff, and I've felt invisible all my life. I've never felt pretty enough, or smart enough, or worthy enoug. I still feel like that sometimes. But I realised that even the most beautiful girl I met, or the most clever person I knew, they all felt just like me. It's just the way we all feel, Teff. While some can put this loneliness to words, others just pretend they are happy.

    Don't be afraid to show and say how you feel, to ask for what you need. And fight for your happiness, go and get what you want. You make your own life, remember that.

